22. mars presenterte SABICAS-koordinator Benjamin Kupilas prosjektet på et arrangement i anledning verdens vanndag.
Verdens vanndag er den offisielle nasjonale markeringen av FNs "World Water Day". I år handlet dagen spesielt om å få til raskere endringer for å løse vann- og sanitærkrisen.
I Oslo ble dagen markert med et arrangement i regi av Norsk vannforening, Den norske UNESCO-kommisjonen, Norsk hydrologiråd, Tekna FTU, NVE (Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat) og NIVA (Norsk Insitutt for Vannforskning).
Fra SABICAS presenterte Benjamin Kupilas (NIVA) prosjektet og hvordan naturbaserte løsninger kan bidra til klimatilpasning og biologisk mangfold i nedbørfelt under press.
Last ned presentasjonen her:
English text:
Every year, World Water Day is held on 22nd March. World Water Day 2023 is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.
We are facing an environmental crisis which poses a risk to our economic prosperity, social justice and human well-being in general. Our society and economy requires ambitious transformative change to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises.
The conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of ecosystems lies at the heart of the necessary systemic change and freshwater ecosystems play a crucial role.
Freshwaters are sentinels for transformative change
Water is critical to all major economic sectors and connects land and sea through river catchments. Our freshwaters are sinks - accumulating pollutants from activities on land, therefore, their ecological state represents progress with the required transition.
NIVA (Norwegian Institute for Water Research) took part in this years’ World Water Day in Oslo arranged by the Norwegian Water Association, the National Commission for UNESCO, the Norwegian Hydrological Council and Tekna FTU.
Benjamin Kupilas (NIVA) presented the SABICAS project, which investigates the upscaling of freshwater-related nature-based solutions (NBS) in Norwegian river catchments.
The project specifically addresses river management at the catchment scale and will provide knowledge about the use of NbS to optimize potential synergies between climate change and biodiversity targets and to manage trade-offs.